Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Economic Terms

Hello, sophomores!

Please, choose four different economic terms given in the list here or from the glossary here.
Learn the explanation of the chosen term and try to give it to your classmates. 
Give as more examples of using the term as you can to make the meaning clear. 
Help your classmates to understand what term you are talking about.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Map: Six Decades of the Most Popular Names for Girls, State-by-State

Most popular baby girl names (1960-2012) 


And what names are the most popular in your place? 
Leave a comment.

British English vs. American English

Hello, dear students! 
Pay attention on the differences between English and American. It may help when you travel abroad.

Do you like cartoons?

Have you ever made a movie by yourself? Do you want to try?
If so then follow this link and do your best!

And this is the one I could do for you! )))

Oooops! I'm back!)))

Hi, cuties! 
Sorry for being away but I was too busy lately. Hope you missed my posts :-)

Here is more useful information for you about sequence of the subject and predicate in English sentence.